MC Random of the Area 51 Crew: The Meaning Behind ” Living Room Sessions”.(Video)
Random of the Area 51 Crew Talks About His New Project, ” Living Room Sessions”.
Excerpt: ” I plan to keep the summer flooded with music”
We had a chance to chop it up with Random of the Area 51 crew straight from the Flourish and Prosper Studio. He gave us some incite on how he teamed up with Chop Squad and created, “Living Room Sessions”. The Altadena native has a very extensive catalog; without a doubt , this current collection is another dope project, MC Random can add to the list.

Living Room Sessions
” I sort of embraced the challenge of trying to make music at home…”
The Ivy League Show: Episode 1 (Podcast)
In addition to the “Living Room Sessions” release. Random is working on a huge summer campaign called, ” Random Summer” . Random stated, ” I plan to keep the summer flooded with music” . Check out the the full video below with MC Random here on The Ivy League Show